Command Line Options

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Contents | Developers pages | Command Line Options | Timetables | Scenario Creation | Developing Installers

Command line options are useful for controlling the behaviour of the simulator without having to use the program's GUI. An example of such options is the following:

"C:\Program Files\Signalsoft\Zentralstellwerk Köln Hbf\Zentralstellwerk Köln Hbf.exe" -x -l

The command line switches -x and -l enable Developer Mode, and Logging Mode, respectively. To use these options, you may:

  • use the options.txt option
  • start the program directly from the command line
  • modify the desktop shortcut's "target" property
  • write a batch file (*.bat)

No Trains


Start a simulation without any trains. Useful for testing things without having to actually dispatch trains.

Free Speed


Allows unrestricted simulation speed. Undefined behaviour may occur in simulations simulated at speeds larger than 4X.

Developer Mode


Enables Developer Mode. Allows access to "Dev" menu item which has useful scenario and timetable editing options. In Developer mode, more dialog boxes may appear.

Log Mode


Writes to the program log located in the C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\Signalsoft\APPNAME\logs\ folder. Developer Mode must be active for logging to work.

Presimulation Speed


N is an integer between 1 and 64, inclusive. Defines the simulation speed during presimulation.

Presimulation Logging


Developer mode (-x) must also be active. Adds additional presimulation traffic information to the program log.

Presimulation Diagnostics


Shows presimulation activity.

Timetable Logging


Write timetable stop data to a log file. Log file will appear at the end of the simulation. Useful for checking if scheduled stops are accurate.

Portal Logging


Write detailed portal/line operations data to a log file. This log file is accessible via Help > View Line Operations Log.

Disallow Coworker Sounds


Prevents coworker sounds from playing.

Disallow Startup Music


Prevents music from playing on start up, if it is defined for the simulation.

Web-based Traffic Display

When enabled, the simulation acts like a web server and outputs traffic information to a web browser.

To enable, start with sim with the following command-line option:


By default, the port on which the server listens for incoming requests is port 80. If you wish to specify a different port (for example, you already run a web server on your computer using port 80) then you can supply your own port number:


Contents | Developers pages | Command Line Options | Timetables | Scenario Creation | Developing Installers