Control Monitor Sp Dr S 600

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Control Monitor

Compared to the Sp Dr S60 interlocking system, Sp Dr S600 does not have a number entry panel and neither does it have ZNP. For a Sp Dr S 600 system those systems are - simply said - combined into Control Monitor and a data entry keyboard (Dataeingabetastatur=DET).

Most important thing to remember is that any element - signal/switch etc - to be operated from the control monitor needs to be adressed by its exact name.

  • Kontrollmonitor
  1. Command line
  2. Memory blocks
  3. Line showing offered trains
  4. Keys to excute commands

When you right-click in the control monitor, you will get several additional options for the presentation of the control monitor. You can hide / unhide the keys to excute commands, change the size of the control monitor window as well as changing the screen colors.

Screen colors

Symbol Colors
Kontrollmonitor Grey / Black
Kontrollmonitor Green / Black
Kontrollmonitor Black/ White
Kontrollmonitor Orange / Black
Kontrollmonitor Black / Orange

Data Entry Keyboard

  • Zoom in : Zoom in
  • Zoom out : Zoom out

Keys to execute commands

Key Hotkey Function
ENTER Execute and erase command from command line
SHIFT + ENTER Execute and store command into active memory block
* (Numeric Keypad) Store input into active memory block
/ (Numeric Keypad) Entered number (1 through 6) selects the corresponding memory block
-no hotkey- Entered number clears the corresponding line in the active memory block
DELETE Clear command line
HOME Send train number
END Clear train number

Commands for setting routes

These commands are applied by pressing VL or VS, or can be stored in the active memory block by applying SPS.

Input Function
123.345 Sets train route from signal 123 to signal/exit track 345
123-345 Sets shunt route from signal 123 to signal/exit track 345

Extra codes for setting train routes

Input Function
F,123.345 Sets train route from signal 123 to signal/exit track 345, where no overhead lines are available
123.345K Sets train route from signal 123 to signal/exit track 345, without or short overlap
123.345L Sets train route from signal 123 to signal/exit track 345, with diverging overlap to the left
123.345R Sets train route from signal 123 to signal/exit track 345, with diverging overlap to the right
M,103.P3 Sets route from middle switch starting at signal 103 towards signal P3
U,123.345 Sets an alternative route from signal 123 towards signal/exit track 345
F,U,123.345 Sets an alternative route from signal 123 towards signal/exit track 345, where no overhead lines are available

Text Commands

Input Function
... [FREE TEXT] + VL Text entry in STOE-DRU area for documenting auxiliary actions.
[FREE TEXT] + VS Text entry in active memory block.

Simple commands

These commands are applied by pressing VL or VS, or can be stored in the active memory block by applying SPS. Example: WU,123 = Throw switch 123.

Command Action
WU Throw switch
WUS Manually locks a switch to prevent it from being thrown
WUE Manually unlocks a switch to prevent it from being thrown.
WPH Show switch position shortly.
HS Puts a signal to stop
SS Lock signal
SE Unlock signal
ZA Cover signal to allow proceed
FRTG or RR Revokes a complete (shunt) route.
(Reminder: First operate start signal with HS/HaGT!)
FRTE Revokes a part of a (shunt) route.
(Reminder: First operate start signal with HS/HaGT!)
DA Release Overlap Route (only at signals with manual overlap release)
SBE Enables fleeting of a signal.
SBA Disables fleeting of a signal.
EA Used to set a block direction towards your signal box
EL Used to cancel pre-setting a block direction towards your signal box.
Level crossings
UDE Activates a level crossing to close and to stay closed (i.e. UDE,128 for level crossing 128)
UDA Deactivates forcing of a level crossing to stay closed (i.e. UDA,128 for level crossing 128)
UE Enable closure of level crossing on track occupation (UE,128-1 enables first track)
UAS Prevent a level crossing from closing automatically (UAS,128-2 disables automatic closure for the second track)
UAE Enable a level crossing to close automatically (UAE,128-3 enables automatic closure for the third track)
AE,1 Show all switch positions
AA,1 Disable showing all switch positions
NE,1 Sets (outside) signal brightness to night mode
TE,1 Sets (outside) signal brightness to day mode

Entering Train numbers

These commands are executed by applying ZNS or ZNL.

Input Function
FFFFF,123 + ZNS Sets Track availability code "FFFFF" (track is out of service for electric trains) on track 123
0F0F0,123 + ZNS Sets Track availability code "0F0F0" (track is not available / track is occupied without train number) on track 123
00000,123 + ZNS Sets Track availability code "00000" (track is out of service) on track 123
,123 + ZNL Removes Track availability code from track 123
987,123 + ZNS Sets train number 987 on track 987
100987,123 + ZNS Sets steering number 1 and train number 987 on track 987
987 + ZNL Removes train number 987 from the panel
ANB-4711,575 + ZNS Offer train 4711 on track 575
ANN + ZNS Accept train that is offered on ZN line (quick method)
ANB-4711,575 + ZNL Cancel previously offered train 4711 on track 575
ANN + ZNL Refuse train that is offered on ZN line (quick method)
ANN-4711,575 + ZNL Refuse train 4711 that is offered on track 575

Special commands

The following commands are computer-specific. Those are necessary, as the PC does not have the special keyboard as present on a real signal box.

Input Function
[memory block number] / Change to memory block. By entering 3 and / (Numeric keyboard) memory block 3 becomes the active memory block.
[Line number of active memory block] Entering 3 (Numeric keyboard) executes the command on line 3 of the active memory block.
* (Numeric keyboard) Contents of the command line are stored in the first unused line of the active memory block.
Left Arrow Change to previous 6 memory blocks
Right Arrow Change to next 6 memory blocks
Space Control monitor window to the front and activate
Escape Deactivate control monitor window (allowing other keyboard input resp. commands)

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