Operating System Compatibility

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Windows 10

At this time, there are no known issues running simulations on Windows 10.

The notes about Windows 8 (below) apply also to Windows 10. Signalsoft will monitor for issues and address them as they arise.

Windows 8

At this time, there are no known issues running simulations on Windows 8.

.Net Framework

Windows 8 does not have the .Net Framework 2.0 installed by default. .Net Framework 2.0 is required in order to run any of the simulations. It is recommended that you install the framework prior to installing anything else: Microsoft has several methods for easily downloading and installing the framework here.


When installing a simulation under Windows 8 without the .Net Framework 2.0 installed, the installer will attempt to download and install it automatically.

First Run

Windows 8 may detect that .Net Framework 2.0 is not installed (even if it was installed automatically during installation). If so, Windows 8 gives you the option to download .Net Framework 3.5 (which includes 2.0.) Installing the framework first avoids this.

Program Updates

Program updates continue to work as before. Windows will ask you to confirm that you want the update system to run, after which the update will be downloaded and installed.

Metro UI (Start Screen)

Windows 8 includes a new user interface (UI) designed for touch screens, called the Start Screen. After installing a simulation, Windows 8 will add a program icon to both the traditional Windows desktop as well as the new Start Screen.

License Insertion

License keys can still be inserted using the standard method described here.

Networking and Firewalls

When doing network play (Multiplayer plugins or Line Operations) Windows Firewall will ask you to allow it or deny it. If you have a different firewall installed, consult that program's manual if necessary.


No problems were detected with the simulation sounds: bells and buzzers work as expected.

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