Revoke Overlap Route Group Button

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The Revoke Overlap Route Group Button (DRGT) can be used to revoke an overlap route, when the train routes behind the train has been dissolved and the overlap route is not released (time delayed) automatically.

Revoke Overlap Route Group Button


The operation of DRGT is as follows: To revoke the overlap route of a route, the DRGT must be pressed together with the FRT and end button of the route. Operation is only possible when the last switch of the route is cleared.

For any other situation the Revoke Overlap Route Auxiliary Button (DHT) must be applied to revoke the overlap route.


Automatic releasing of overlap routes is not forseen at some power signal boxes or for individual routes. In this case the overlap route indicator at the end signal of the entry route will not blink, but will stay lit continuously. In case no exit route is set, the overlap route will have to be revoked for such routes using DRGT + FRT + signal button.